Friday, July 8, 2016

Pregnancy through my eyes..

Pregnancy is something that is so common yet not at the very same time. Each pregnancy is extremely different from another. I never understood this until I went through it and am still going through it. So I've decided to write a blog and post pictures and tell my story of pregnancy the way I see it everyday.

My boyfriend and I at the time had been dating for three years. We are living together and luckily both have careers and a stable life. We had plans to get engaged , married and to look for a home far away in the country. All that changed on thanksgiving morning. Our lives would never be the same after reading two lines on a test.
We didn't know what to do! We went to both of our families dinners with a HUGE secret we had just discovered hours before. Not for one second was I upset or scared for my future I just knew our plans had gotten reversed. They say you make plans and god laughs..  I discovered that to be true.

(photo by A. Lee Photography)
Its funny, in the photo above I thought my stomach was big.. boy how things change in a couple months.
My fiancée as you can tell from the photo, took me to one of the most beautiful (and secret) spots in Tioga County. We had discovered this trail driving around one day. I remember months before thinking how beautiful this place was, little did I know this would be a spot my life would change forever.
The day he proposed I remember everything clearly. It was February and FREEZING! I had my best friend and my brother with us too. My best friend is also a photographer and we wanted to do a pregnancy shoot to announce our little secret.
I had been praying for months actually years that he would propose to me. Then BOOM it happened! It was a moment I will never forget. Snow on the ground shining in the sun only made my ring seem more shiny and beautiful then it was on its own.
I started crying immediately and Carl of course started laughing at me! He knew what I would say and he wasn't nervous at all. Typical man..
I love to write down moments and sometimes just feelings of whatever I may be facing that day or week. This book has been my therapy as well as family and friends. Pregnancy is not easy!
Coffee is my saving grace.
We had a gender reveal party for our baby. Carl & I both didn't have the patience a lot of couples have. I was so nervous the night before I didn't sleep at all. It felt like Christmas was the next day! Being able to found out if your baby is a boy or girl is an amazing feeling that you will never be able to get back again.

I love this photo of him. He's so happy to have is little boy which he predicted the whole time.

(The plane on my belly was one of Carl's favorite toys when he was little <3)
Memorial Day weekend at our favorite place
One of my favorite books from my baby shower. Of course its from my bestie
The fridge.. my enemy

Now we just wait patiently for our little miracle to arrive. It is truly amazing what a woman's body goes through in just nine months. I will never look back at this time and regret anything in fact I know I will miss it as soon as its over. I feel blessed beyond words to even be able to go through this experience at all and I never take one day for granted.

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